Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Yay Prop 8

Well, one out of three of my wish list, I guess it could be worse. Breaks my heart what will soon happen to this country. On the flip side, I must also agree with many of the Christians I have talked to. That if persecution comes, and this country gets blacker and even more Godless, than the glory of the Gospel of Jesus Christ will shine all the brighter. We are not of this world, and maybe our country has let us become to comfortable in this place. I know I have already become "less attached" to this country and world as I anticipate the atrocity of abortion that will soon increase to an even greater degree. I can see the loss of what small amount of Biblical principles and wisdom that we retain in this country, we will soon go the way of European socialism, and at it's root atheistic Marxism. Alas, we are not in this world for comfort, but to fight the good fight, to demonstrate the glory of God, and to receive the price when we find ourselves before the throne of God.

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