Thursday, November 13, 2008

Great Post On E-mail Etiquette

Zach Nielson has a great post about email etiquette, I am particularly guilty of this one...
3. Work to have a balance between email and personal contact.

I am bad at this. I have found that I would rather sit in my office and fire off a quick email to the guy in the office next door as opposed to just popping over and saying something quickly. I know it feels efficient in the short term, but I wonder about the long term effects. If we are not careful we breed a culture of isolation that is detrimental to our essential nature of God's image bearers, created for communities of love.
Check out the rest of his list HERE


Tony C said...

Good info. I'm guilty of violating several things in the list. Guess I need to rethink!

Teomen said...

Me too, I found it really helpful. It's amazing what we will let technology do to us if we are not careful.